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Newsletter (May 2021) and introduction of CMB Trips

The Kettering Catcher bus’s been up and running again! Thanks for those who’ve used our service – it’s been nice to see all of you since we last met last year!
The current Friday service is designed to help users get their weekly grocery shopping. We’re building up usage as we see new faces every now and then. Therefore the current arrangement will stay in place until we’ve got enough new users to warrant the Tuesday service.

However, we know that many users are longing for leisure trips, at different destinations. This is why we’ll introduce two CMB Trips in June. The Wednesday trips will bring you to different places of interest. Please note booking fee and fare may incur even if you hold a bus pass. Please refer to the attached newsletter containing full details of the trips. They are very popular and make sure you book before the bus is full!

In addition to preparing for new services, our focus this month my focus is getting more new users on board. Please help us spread the words by filling in the card on the newsletter and invite a friend on board. You may also write down your comment there for us to use on future publications.

Thanks again and see you soon!